Since its founding in 1995 WorldBrass has grown to become one of the most renowned and well-respected brass ensembles in Europe. Continuing in the tradition of the Jeunesses Musicales World Orchestra, out of which the ensemble grew during an orchestra tour in South-East Asia, the members and musicians who perform with WorldBrass originate from many countries including Australia, Canada, England, Germany, Luxembourg, Norway, Scotland, Slovenia and Sweden.
A number of times each year the musicians assemble together to rehearse and perform concerts within a context of international understanding. A unique quality of WorldBrass is its group spirit - there are no fixed positions within the ensemble, nor is there a single "star" player. All members are free to contribute their own ideas in rehearsals and are committed to each other and the making of chamber music of the highest level. The varied musical and cultural backgrounds of the musicians further enhances the ensemble's musical flexibility and resourcefulness. All of these factors contribute to making the well-rounded, thoroughly interesting and entertaining performances that WorldBrass is known for.
WorldBrass has toured throughout Canada, Germany, Italy, Poland, Belgium and Luxembourg presenting a repertoire that is as vast as it is diverse.
One of the intentions of the ensemble is to expand the range and scope of brass-ensemble music by commissioning new pieces and arrangements. The group has recorded five CDs with its most recent, Originals, showcasing some of the groups favourite commissions.